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Vossengroup Wiki Home Page

Welcome to Vossengroup's wiki! This wiki was created to keep a history of different processes used by the members of vossengroup to help new (and existing) members get started with new workflows.

Check out the default Main page to see how mediawiki works and other helpful information

Helpful Links

  • Vossen Group Indico
    • We use this indico page for group meetings and journal club
    • Before/after presenting materials during a group meeting, add them to the indico page to keep a record of materials

Existing documentation

Below is a list of links to pages where documentation has been created for something related to vossengroup:

  • DCC Guide - Guide to duke compute cluster (DCC)

Documentation Needed

If you have time and/or knowledge, please help improve this wiki by working on one of these guides (or create a new one)

Member Pages

Each member should have their own wiki page with a brief bio and links to any code they use. This will help us keep track of code and allow others to take advantage of programs that may be useful